Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Our first year :)

Earlier I posted about our first six months together, so now I'm hoping to round out that first year with some new memories. I have a horrible memory, so I love writing these down and being able to come back and remember these sweet times together.

We celebrated the summer in full fashion: we went on an amazing trip to San Antonio (including Sea World), we went to the Houston Aquarium where David convinced me to touch a sting ray. I had been to the Aquarium before with Laura, but just couldn't bring myself to touch them. But this time, with his encouragement, and some major psyching up, I did it! I know it is a silly, small little feat, but I felt proud for conquering a fear.

I actually conquered another fear that summer as well. Many times we went swimming with Aus. They were jumping off the diving board, but as few may know, I have a major fear of jumping off the diving board. When I was a little girl, I fell off once, and cut the inside of my leg - I was hurt *and very embarrassed* and that was the end of it for me. That night there were plenty of 5 year old kids jumping off just fine, but I was too scared!!! Finally, with the encouragement of my two favorite guys, I did it. And even while it was thrilling (silly yes, I know) I still wasn't completely comfortable. I did it several more times, but everytime I was pretty petrified. All in all our swim dates were a great part of the summer.

Mom and Dad packed up and went to the "south" to visit amy for a couple weeks, so David and I moved in and played 'mom and dad' to Austin. It was a fun week - Austin was getting ready for a mission trip, we hung out, watched movies, grilled hamburgers, built a fort, watched Harry and the Hendersons, went to the chocolate bar, and David and I oohed and aahed over mom's washer and dryer (we were used to a half size one!)

David and I watched fourth of july fireworks tucked away in a quiet neighborhood- we found a great spot, with a great view, but with no crowds!We'll have to remember for next year (see??? its good that I write these things down!)

After we house sat for mom and dad, we house sat for one of our favorites profs. It was fun, playing house :) We took care of cats (which we dont really like...) jumped on the trampoline, watched movies, hosted a failed book club, and swam at their local pool. So much fun!

At the end of the summer, David and I flew (free - thanks Natalie!) to Baltimore, and then traveled to DC, met up with Meryl and J and drove to Charlottesville, VA for Ashley's wedding. What a blast we had. The guys stayed with some friends of Ashley's (and went kayaking, I believe) and Meryl and I shared a room at the Clifton Inn. Girl's night out, fun games, dedicated psalms, bouquet tutorials, catching up with Liza and Andrew, rehearsal & lunch, last minute decorations and plans, early morning, bees stinging, and then... the wedding. What great fun to celebrate with my dear friend.

We moved! Um, we love our new digs, and we feel like God was in all the details. We had planned out exactly what we needed, and our very first spot was the spot. They had everything we wanted and more, and in our price range, and in the location we wanted, and they would paint our walls, and they would waive our application fee. Um, yes please!

David started working as interim youth and children's minister. Immediately we felt loved by these sweet sweet people at this church. I love Sunday night church - singing old hymns. Feels just like when I was a little girl. What a blessing it is - you just don't find that a lot in churches anymore. I feel like I'm back at Baker, and I love it.

We celebrated in Waco with the newly engaged sis & her man at their engagement party. How much fun was this. So happy for the soon-to-be-Reynolds. And hey, we got a day with the WHOLE (there are eight of us now!) family at Salado. That's impressive.

We read (and watched) all the Harry Potters, we went shopping at our brand new HEB (right next door to us!!!), we karaoked (sp??) with the Hatchett clan in China town (ha!), we royally screwed up (i.e. I royally screwed up) our Halloween extravaganza by accidentally doubling the chili powder instead of halfing it (what a gracious husband I have), we threw a Christmas party for our college buds and played nertz for hours, we looked at Christmas lights and put up our very own Christmas tree (it was our first time to do this - so much fun!), we proctored the SATS, we bought got jobs at HBU, and I cut my head on my third day of work and had to get stitches (great...).

What a year. I can't believe it went by SO FAST. On our one year anniversary, D & I were supposed to be at a big Christmas event at church. We were sad we couldn't get away, but at least we would be together right? Wrong! I got miserably sick and was stuck in bed while my sweet man went to church. He came home to me with white roses. I burst into tears - what a blessing I've been given. I looked horrible - puffy and swollen eyes, red nose, couldn't breathe, I mean, let's face it, it wasn't pretty. And the man brings me roses. He's a keeper :)It may not have been some glamorous one year anniversary, but I saw a tangible expression of those vows (especially the 'in sickness' part) we had made one year previous, and really, I couldn't ask for anything more.

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