Monday, February 23, 2009

Loving Well

My dad loves really well.

We meet several times a week to go to the on-campus Starbucks. There is a woman who works there; she's there every time we are. My dad has taken it upon himself to love on this lady... he doesn't know her, but he has such compassion for her, not in way that he pities her, but in a way that shows that he is genuinely interested in her life.
He knows her name, he knows her favorite drink from Starbucks, he knows that she had a bad fall over Christmas break and lost her baby.

Did I know this? Does anyone else, out of all the people that stop by that Starbucks all day long??

I'm so grateful for my dad's love for people. It is a picture of God's love for us all. I want to be more like my heavenly Father and earthly Father. I want to love people. I want to stop and love people.

I want to wonder about the woman at Starbucks, the couple at the table next to me in the restaurant, the teller at the bank... I wonder if they know Jesus, I wonder if they know He loves them, I wonder if they feel welcomed and loved by Christians, or looked over?

I led a DNow this weekend where the theme was "LiveLove." Do I live love? Did I live love towards this woman by never caring about her or giving her a second thought?

May I be a woman who lives love....

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