Tuesday, June 28, 2011

church seasons

just recently became really interested in learning about the church seasons. after doing some reading, im realizing that the seasons of the church year really help one to intentionally celebrate a certain time of year - like advent, or easter. and in the in between time (what is called 'ordinary time') it helps and encourages the believer to stay committed in devotions and prayer with the Lord.

two books i've really enjoyed:

"seeking God's face: praying with the bible through the year" - found here(thank you momma, for picking this one up for me!)

this book is a daily devotion. each day consists of an invitation, a bible song (usually a psalm), a bible reading, a lectio-divina type of guided mediation, suggestions for prayer, and then a prayer/benediction in closing.

so far, i've really enjoyed the lection divina part. the writer constantly reminds you that you are in God's presence, and then tells you to read the bible passage again. i dont think im usually in a mindset of 'im in God's presence' as im reading scripture, and i should be! i've also enjoyed the suggestions for prayer. some of the suggestions are not things i might have been thinking of on my own, but might be things God wants me thinking about - and he's using this to encourage me in that direction.

second book i've enjoyed - (not all the way through it) thanks to amy, for the book suggestion, and mom, again, for letting me borrow her copy.

"circle of seasons: meeting God in the church year" - found here.

again, im not all the way through this one, but have read some in the advent section. she compares the season of advent to her pregancy with her first child. she talks about how during her pregancy she was preparing - her life, her heart, her home, every aspect of her life, for this little guy who was going to come and change everything. this is how it should be with advent. advent should be a season of preparation, anticipation as we wait for the celebration of the birth of Christ, who comes and changes our world!
this book is also filled with interesting facts i didnt know. did you know that each of the four sundays in advent is associated with a different prophet and different scripture? i didnt! when advent rolls around, i want to take part in remembering these things, in fully celebrating, and in celebrating in community - years and years of believers have celebrating and walked through these church seasons. what a beautiful way to walk with believers who have gone before us!

1 comment:

the journey of me and my beloved... said...

i'm looking forward to reading the one about the seasons.. it is on my list!

i read part of noel piper's celebrating god in our traditions and it really made me think about how i want to be intentional in celebrating each season of life... that will be a good to read to gear up for advent... sounds like a good october or november read.