so, granted its been a little more than six months, i wanted to write some about our first half year together. its been up and down and all around, but overall, we're so grateful to be walking in marriage together. im grateful for a man to live life with, to grow with, to worship with.
some highlights(and a few lowlights..)of our first six months:
- We celebrated our first christmas together in New York City! What a blessing and what a wonderful honeymoon! We got to celebrate the day out and about in NYC, seeing the Christmas tree at Rockefeller, a movie in Times Square, and a nice dinner in together at our hotel.
-Upon arriving home, we worked on getting our apartment settled. We were joining two lives, two sets of 'stuff' and setting up our home. David was great help and although there's still some picture frames and things to hang, it feels more like home everyday, because he's there.
- Job Hunting seems to have gotten the best of us. We waited so long for a job that we could have 'in the mean time' while we were looking a more substanital job. Money was tight, but D's a wonderful provider. I was never in need of anything. I'm grateful for a man who worked hard before we got married,saving money up, so that we could be prepared those first few months of marriage without a job. He was preparing provision for me, and I'm so grateful. Although we have jobs now, we both are still seeking direction from God about 'callings.' We desire to be doing more than going to a rote job everyday. We desire to be doing something that matters, something with kingdom value. We believe and have faith that He has a purpose for us. He has plans for us, and in His time, He will place us there.
-We've enjoyed being part of a church home at PGBC. We've been enormously blessed by the body of believers there, and we're grateful to love on the kiddoes on Sunday mornings.
- Grocery shopping: I love grocery shopping with this man. I have no idea why or how, but he makes it so much fun. I love that we can have so much fun doing something so simple together.
- One night, not long after we'd been married, David and I were up late watching TV... we were a little hungry, and we decided to go get chicken nuggets and shakes from McDonalds. I have no idea why this sticks with me, or why it was so fun. But it just felt like freedom. We were together, in our home, and we could go out anytime of the night we wanted! We could be crazy and get ice cream in the middle of the night! Again, I don't know why this was so much fun, but I just remember being in complete bliss that night. It was amazing.
- I changed my name! Though this process was a bit tedious, I'm so grateful for it. I love how in the bible a name change represents a change in who you are. When God changed your name, or had someone else change it, it meant the essence of who you are had changed. I have changed! I'm a different person. A huge change has occured in my life - I've made a lifelong covenant to be joined in marriage for the rest of my life, and my name change represents this! As a graduation gift, my mom got me a new bible with my new name on it. It's beautiful and I love it.
- I graduated! Though I was pretty discouraged somedays, D helped encourage me to keep at it, and after lots of long hours, papers and presentations, I finished my degree. Grateful to my love for all his encouragement along the way.
- We had a pipe explode under our sink, we had draino spill in our bathroom and stink up our whole apartment, we went to the aquarium, we had outings to katy mills, we played hide and go seek in the mall with austin, we had a spring break getaway to katy, we (okay me, it was me) locked our keys in our car twice!, David preached his first two sermons, we got new jobs at pappadeaux and quilter's emporium, we hosted our families and friends for dinner and celebrations in our apt, went to see summer blockbusters with austin, we spent our first night away from each other when i went on a girls trip to salado, we watched HEROES and FAMILY TIES, we (okay David) built us a new dresser, we played jeopardy (a lot!), we rented movies, we got hooked on america's got talent,we sang together at the top of our lungs in the car, we watched fireworks, we loved, we fought, we prayed, we wept, we learned, we laughed. We - me and him, the one I love.