Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lion Chasers

So I'm reading this book titled 'In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day.' It talks about how oftentimes God puts us in what seems like impossible situations so that He can get more glory. Often, we are in situations that we feel are hopeless, and yet God turns them around for His good. The book's title comes from the story of Beneniah (2 Samuel???). Its a snowy day, and somehow he ends up fighting a lion in a pit. All odds are stacked against this guy, and yet he kills the lion; the lion doesn't kill him! Being stuck in a pit with a lion on a snowy day seems impossible and terrible. The author talks about how we often run from situations like this; we ask God to make things easy, painless. However, this author suggests, perhaps, we ought to start being more like lion chasers, embracing the difficult so that God can show up in a big way, getting lots of glory.

Not to throw myself a pity party, but I feel like life has been pretty hard lately. I've never felt more lost. I've been reading about vocation, how it's not something that you choose. Instead, it's something that God chooses you for. I don't know what He has chosen me for. I feel like I am interviewing and looking at a plethora of job opportunities and yet just feel at a loss. I don't know if I want to do any of these things. I'm doing my best to not just 'choose' a career... but to wait patiently for when HE 'chooses' me.

I've wondered lately if my hardships are because I have not been following God's will. Am I supposed to be moving, going to school, going to China? Am I not doing what He's called me to, and that's why I'm having such a hard time?
But the other part of me says, No, I'm doing the right thing by waiting. I don't want to make plans for myself just for the sake of making plans... Perhaps, I'm supposed to be waiting around, having a hard time, a broken heart... all of these terrible, hurtful, painful things happening, so that God can show up in a powerful way, getting lots of glory.
Which one is it? Am I supposed to sit here waiting? Or am I just making excuses and should be moving to go to school or something?
I want to do what's right. I really do. I want to do what brings honor to Him.
Give me wisdom. I want to do what's right. Show me, and I'll walk in that way.

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