Monday, June 9, 2008


more from 'In a pit with a lion on a snowy day' :

'embrace relational uncertainty. it's called romance. embrace spiritual uncertainty. it's called mystery. embrace occupational uncertainty. it's called destiny. embrace emotional uncertainty. it's called joy. embrace intellectual uncertainty. it's called revelation.' - mark batterson

i like these assertions.
relational uncertainty - everything about relationships can be uncertain, especially with the opposite sex. because it involves vulnerability, it involves uncertainty. yet, if you take that step, if you embrace that uncertainty, it's true. you find yourself in the midst of romance, and it's beautiful.

spiritual uncertainty - this one might be my favorite, simply because everything about YHWH, about his holy spirit is...mysterious. It's beyond what we can know, understand, and fathom. It is constantly being worked out in front of us, like little clues along the way. it is indeed a mystery. and we should be grateful that it is so.

occupational uncertainty - what is our calling? what is our destiny? what have we been 'predestined' for? what i like about this one is that it not only includes our vocation, our job, our employment status, but also the small, everyday details. the simple things - running into a certain person at a certain time, being in the right place at the right time, reading the right book at the right time, etc... it's destiny?

emotional uncertainty - to me this one is closely linked to relational uncertainty, because relationships involved our emotions. in our emotions, the good and bad (i believe that!), we can find joy. there is joy in the hard because we come to appreciate things more. we love better the next time because of the hurt that was there last time. we appreciate what we have now because we know what it was like without it. it's all uncertain. yet, it all has the capability to be worked for good, and thus, bring joy.

intellectual uncertainty - we are constantly learning, constantly in process. this steady inflow of new information is truly revelation. but what is revelation couldn't be, unless it was once uncertainty.

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