Saturday, May 9, 2009


the sight of: David in his black cap and gown, my mother meeting his mother for the first time, my sweet brother's chocolate brown eyes, my daddy's blue-check shirt, David's life-changing smile...

the taste of: jumbalaya and gumbo, mint oreos in my chocolate ice cream, sweet tea, and mocha flavored coffee, hamburger and fries at five guys, cherry coke...

the feel of: my hand in his, his arm around me, utter pride as he walks across the stage, anxiety as all our families meet for the first time, creativity as I make a mother's day gift...

the smell of: cornbread cooking in the oven, my clinque moisturizer, coffee brewing at the Picards, spray adhesive as I get my 'craft' on...

the sound of: "I love you" "nice to meet you" "3 back at the door," clapping at graduation, "let's dance" playing on the radio as David and I jam in the car...

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