the sight of: horses and sheep and cows on the oklahoma countryside, jacktown (which ive heard so much about), davids momma working hard at her bible study, adorable little blonde-haired Meleah and Mallory, David as a little boy in countless pictures i got to look through, utter excitment on my 26 years old's face as he walked through the Toy and Action Figure museum (http://www.actionfiguremuseum.com/), a old lacey wedding dress that made my sweetie gag (haha), serveral pics on walls in memory of sweet Amy, pictures lining the walls of Grandma A's, David's loving and sweet face, numerous crossword puzzles,
the smell of: sausage and eggs prepared for me by David's mom in the morning (so sweet, thank you),
the taste of: Carl's junior charbroiled hamburger, a ABSOLUTELY incredible Peanut Butter Cup shake from Braums (yum), my chopped beef sandwich from Rob's Smokehouse, and my yummy tacos (with sauce!) from Taco Tico, amazing crushed ice anywhere you go Meeker/Shawnee, nasty cough syrup,
the feel of: riding a water taxi along the canal in Bricktown, with my baby's arm around me, a cool day and breeze as we walk through OBU and downtown Shawnee, a nasty cough residing in my chest, my too-good-to-me boyfriend rubbing VicksVaporRub on my feet so that my cough would go away, frustration because I can barely speak above a whisper, moching,
the sound of: a storm blowing strongly outside, LOST on the televsion *and internet*, David as he 'hosts' Family Feud for me, Grandma R explaining her bowling traditions to me, Grandma A telling me how her and Grandpa A met, Ricky telling me he is proud of me, Transformers on in the background at the Toy Museum, David's incredible "mix" for our road trip
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