Monday, August 31, 2009


things i am grateful for:
- David, my best friend, my love,
-a new apartment, all to myself
- my sister in waco
- my other sister coming to visit :)
- provision, found in a job
-my brother and parents who can make a weekend at home so much fun :)
-new seasons of monk!
-facebook messages from meryl, liz, larissa, laura, lisa
-pictures of baby Rachel Lund
-fun trips to Hobby Lobby with my momma
-3 hour road trips all to myself
- a Greek party in September to look forward to
-chocolate cookie dough ice cream
-new things to learn
-Hebrew, in a completley new approach
-a new journal, that looks like a nancy drew novel (so excited about this)
-a wedding this weekend, that will reunite family :)
-chocolate chip muffins
- a prayer time with David that helps me to remember that YHWH is my King. He will provide for me all things in His time.

In moments when I begin to feel torn, between old things and new, comfortable things and scary things, I can remember that YHWH is my constancy. He is my sufficiency. He is my King.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Be joyful always...

David and I read this last night, and I like it. I think it's a good reminder for any and every situation that we find ourselves in.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
"Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances."

I want to be more joyful.
I want to be more prayful.
I want to give thanks in ALL circumstances.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Back to School

This is a moving/back to school kit that David made for me. It is so thoughtful and so put together. Everything in it has a reason for being there. I really liked it so I had to brag on it :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Tonight I met some of my closest friends for dessert at 59 diner. I'm wanting to see as many friends as possible before I relocate, so we all gathered tonight. Meryl, Jessica, Leah, Liz, Christi, Melody, Val, and Christine.

I was grateful for our time together. These girls (and a few others!) have been great friends to me throughout college. When I think about how I've been blessed with friends, all I can say is "my cup overflows." And it's the truth; these girls are hugely important and influential to me. I love them all.

I'm excited to get to school and make new friends too. I know it won't happen immediately, but I'm looking forward to making new friends and new add to the already wonderful ones I have.
This picture isn't from tonight, but it's pretty much the same girls, so it works :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Love will see us through

Last night David and I went to see G.I. Joe in celebration of David being
finished with summer school! I am so proud of him!

On our way to the movie theater, David sang this song to me.
And of course, I lost it. I bawled like a baby.

I am so grateful for him. I will miss him like crazy.
I know that we only have three hours between us, but it will still

definitely be a transition for us.

But he is so sweet; I so appreciate this song. I told him
he's gonna have to sing it to me over the phone....

Love will see us through. Out where dreams come true, we'll be together.

Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight

Somewhere out there someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find one another in that big somewhere out there

And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star

And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky

Somewhere out there if love can see us through
Then we'll be together somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true

Monday, August 3, 2009


I am grateful for God's provision.

I see it all around me. He is truly my Provider. I am safe in His hands.