Monday, August 31, 2009


things i am grateful for:
- David, my best friend, my love,
-a new apartment, all to myself
- my sister in waco
- my other sister coming to visit :)
- provision, found in a job
-my brother and parents who can make a weekend at home so much fun :)
-new seasons of monk!
-facebook messages from meryl, liz, larissa, laura, lisa
-pictures of baby Rachel Lund
-fun trips to Hobby Lobby with my momma
-3 hour road trips all to myself
- a Greek party in September to look forward to
-chocolate cookie dough ice cream
-new things to learn
-Hebrew, in a completley new approach
-a new journal, that looks like a nancy drew novel (so excited about this)
-a wedding this weekend, that will reunite family :)
-chocolate chip muffins
- a prayer time with David that helps me to remember that YHWH is my King. He will provide for me all things in His time.

In moments when I begin to feel torn, between old things and new, comfortable things and scary things, I can remember that YHWH is my constancy. He is my sufficiency. He is my King.

1 comment:

merylleigh said...

beautiful friend. i am glad that gratefulness is a thread of life. i needed to hear these words. love you much!