Last night, I got really discouraged with my homework. I felt behind and rusty and just overwhelmed. It was taking me at least forty minutes to translate a verse, and then I realized I didn't even have the parsings right. Ugh.
I have loved Hebrew from the first time I laid eyes on it.
From learning to write the alphabet, to analzying syntax and grammar, I have loved it. Every minute of it (okay, maybe not every minute of it....)
I loved the community that Jamie helped to create in our class. I loved that we sang Psalm 133, about how good and pleasant it is to dwell with brothers. I loved studying like crazy, forming my opinion about how this certain participle was being used and then going to class and arguing for it till I was blue in the face. I love seeing a kid and asking their name and then writing it out in Hebrew for them. I love the smile on their face.
My favorite story about Hebrew: I was with Laura in Provo, Utah at a nursing home. There was this lady there who saw my necklace (it is a charm with the Hebrew symbol for 'life') and wanted to know what it meant. I explained it to her and she was instantly mesmorized. "Will you teach me the Hebrew alphabet?" she asked cautioulsy, gazing up into my eyes. "I would love to," I replied.
She took me to her room, pulled out some paper and crayons and set me to work. As I wrote each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, she asked how to pronounce it. Then she would take the crayon from me and write out a way that she could remember it. I was amazed at how earnest and excited my new student was! So for 'alef' she wrote 'all-if' and so on. It was great.
Finally, after we finished the alphabet, I asked if I could tell her about my favorite Hebrew word. She of course, said yes. I wrote out for her the word 'hesed.' I told her that this word told us about God's love for us, but that it wasn't just any type of love. It was a special love. It is a love that pursues us. It is a love that is stubborn. "Aren't you so glad that God is stubborn in his love for us? That he doesn't give up on us?" I asked. "I am," I said confidently. She was mesmerized.

I hope that this lady saw a true picture of God's love for her that morning. That this helped her to see Him more clearly. I know that somehow God is still stubbornly pursuing this random woman in a random nursing home in a random city.
This is why I study Hebrew.
I can do this, and I can be self-disciplined enough to review the things I need to. I can go over vocab, and re-work my way through the grammar book. I can do this. I want to do this.
I want to create a community like Jamie does. I want to teach people like the lady in the nursing home.
I'm gonna keep working towards it. Even at forty minutes a verse....
tearing up at the beauty of this.
love you friend. your faithfulness in the small things will pay off in big ways. thanks for reminding me.
I had forgotten about that experience! It was fun to be reminded. The woman's name was Becky, just in case that would be fun to know. LOVE YOU! You are on my thoughts often wondering how you are really doing and esp feeling.
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