Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Friend

My mother is my friend. I think most people wake up and find that this transition from 'mother' to 'friend' is new and sudden, even. It is this like "When did this happen" thing... For me, this is not the case. For as long as I can remember, she has been my friend.

We have always enjoyed things together - learning things, reading books, playing games, going to craft sales... she taught (and still does) me about the things I love. And I'm hugely grateful. Her love of books, her steadfastness to Christ, her sweet love for us kids, all of this is a blessing beyond compare.

Growing up, on any given day, I would rather be with my sisters and mom, and not out with school friends. Today, it is still true. These women know me, really know me, more than any of my friends ever could. They shaped me.

Met my mom this morning for some shopping - a few hours of shopping, talking, breakfast at chick fil a.... it was wonderful. I'm hugely grateful for a woman who is not only my mother, but my friend.

Thank you momma, for always being my friend. You are a wonderful friend. You have taught me what it means to be a friend, and for that, I am grateful. I love you.

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