Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wedding Showers

I was SO blessed - like it knocked my socks off - with wedding showers. Although, I only remembered to take pictures at two (boo!), I thought I would write a bit about each one in hopes of remembering them some day down the road.

My first shower was thrown by some of my bridesmaids. It was at Lisa's apt, and the guests were college buddies. My sweet friends threw a wonderful party -from the beautiful decorations, to the sweet guests and great presents, we had a great time. We also played some really fun games :) The guests all took a trivia quiz on David and I and our relationship - where we met, details about us, about the wedding... But then the tables turned, and I had to take a trivia quiz about David. And everytime I got an answer wrong, I had to put a HUGE piece of bubble gum in my mouth. Luckily, I know my man well and only had to succumb to two pieces :) Great games, such a sweet celebration of mine and David's relationship. I am so grateful!

Next, I had a shower at Pecan Grove. I was so surprised by this shower. David and I had only been going to this church a little while, and we didn't know the people all that well, but I could not believe how many women showed up the shower. These people know how to love so well - they didn't even know us that well and they just jumped in and loved on us. I am hugely grateful for my church family.

I also had a shower at Tallowood, thrown by all the children's directors. This was so great -these women have known me practically my whole life and have watched me grow up. It was a special special time.

Here is a picture of the wonderful hostesses.

And a few others...

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