My first shower was thrown by some of my bridesmaids. It was at Lisa's apt, and the guests were college buddies. My sweet friends threw a wonderful party -from the beautiful decorations, to the sweet guests and great presents, we had a great time. We also played some really fun games :) The guests all took a trivia quiz on David and I and our relationship - where we met, details about us, about the wedding... But then the tables turned, and I had to take a trivia quiz about David. And everytime I got an answer wrong, I had to put a HUGE piece of bubble gum in my mouth. Luckily, I know my man well and only had to succumb to two pieces :) Great games, such a sweet celebration of mine and David's relationship. I am so grateful!

Next, I had a shower at Pecan Grove. I was so surprised by this shower. David and I had only been going to this church a little while, and we didn't know the people all that well, but I could not believe how many women showed up the shower. These people know how to love so well - they didn't even know us that well and they just jumped in and loved on us. I am hugely grateful for my church family.
I also had a shower at Tallowood, thrown by all the children's directors. This was so great -these women have known me practically my whole life and have watched me grow up. It was a special special time.
Here is a picture of the wonderful hostesses.
And a few others...
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